Fraserburgh Old Parish Church is located on the site of the original church, which was built in 1571, soon after the Reformation.
The current church was constructed in 1803 using some material from the original building. In 2003 we celebrated its second centenary and for the occasion conducted a service in a style that would have been consistent with worship 200 years ago.
The current church stands on a prominent site in the town centre and is an instantly recognisable landmark for the town. An Aberdeen architect once said of the church, “It has great strength of character in the old Scottish style and nothing pseudo-gothic about it”.
The spire is quaint and of much architectural interest. Because of its low height, it may not, like some other local spires, be seen in surrounding parishes; but the influence of the Kirk is felt in regions far beyond the borders of “Auld Faithlie” (Old Fraserburgh).
The Old Kirk is very rich in historical interest and around it gather the tradition of centuries – things spiritual, ecclesiastical, civil and educational.
Standing in the pulpit one day, a visiting preacher remarked: “It seems that this could well be the highest pulpit in Scotland, for the preacher’s shoes are about 14 feet above ground level.”
In fact, to reach the pulpit from the vestry, which is practically on the level of the brae behind the Kirk, 26 steps must be tackled. To the visiting minister, it must have seemed like hill-climbing.
Although rich in history and tradition, the Old Parish Church is a living congregation. Numbering just over 550 members (Febuary 2015) it constantly contributes to the life of the local community, and to the wider work of the Church of Scotland, in a most meaningful way.
The church has a Quoadomnia constitution supported by 55 session elders and the following committees: